Appreciate Unpleasant Complaints, and Work Diligently

Olivia's Pc
4 min readApr 17, 2021


Back to my college, “Camera shooting ” is a pre-requisite course for every student doing photography. There was this guy who got so obsessed with cameras. The happiest thing he could think of is to shoot the dewdrops. He will literally wake up in the middle of the night just to witness the blossom of dewdrops by himself. Such happiness will linger around his mind for so many days.

He was the most diligent student among us that time. As the common saying, you reap what you sow. While we were busy looking for a job during our final year, he had already been hired by a well-known television show, to work as a documentary videographer.

This guy, never complains, but taking each job assigned to him seriously. Regardless the high or low profile of the job nature, he handled each job with equal respect and work diligently. You might be argued that he deserves the success because he has been working so hard. I honestly could not agree more: a person who will go all out just to shoot a single dewdrops at the midnight while me and you were having a sweet dream on our lovely bed. His success is not coming from his talented gift, but his attitude which determines his success.

Those who jealous about his success might say that, “he is hardworking because he is gifted”, but the fact is, “he is gifted because he is hardworking”

I always believe that God will never fail to bless those who work hard.

Back to my college, I have a junior who cannot speak good English. She wanted to improve her English so much that she decided to work in an International hotel. The daily communication between all the hotel workers is in English. So, she got to force herself to speak in English during working. I remember she used to call me almost every day during her first week of work. She cried when she shared with me about her work in the hotel, telling me that she got complaints by some English-speaking customers about her broken English. Her colleagues also complaint about her clumsiness and carelessness, for forgetting to seal the envelops, but none of them helping her and showing her any sympathy when she cried for help.

She would literally blame everything on her colleagues, blaming them for showing her an icy-cold heart. I told her to stop begging for comfort from others. Yes, people can listen to us. While I can be a good listener, I can comfort you, I can give you good advices, but I ain’t you, I cannot help myself to help you. Remember, you are your own lifesaver. The only person who can help you from all your miserable is you yourself!

Learn to appreciate all the complaints you have received.

I thank God that this little girl did not chose to give up in the beginning. She holds on, she did not quit even though going through all this troubles. Yet, she started to learn to appreciate those complaints. She wiped away her tears and treated every single complaint with a sincere heart. She never withdraws herself from talking to those English-speaking customers despite being teased of her lousy English. She worked diligently, talked sincerely, and eventually her English improved!

Look at her now, she can communicate fluently to foreigners from any countries. She hardly made any mistake ever since then. Her boss was so proud with her that he even flew back from abroad to honor her excellent job before she left. Here was a piece of words that her boss gave her: “Come back and work with us when you graduated. You are most welcome to come back anytime!”

This junior of mine was not linguistic gifted, she was not born with linguistic skills. Imagine, if she gave up half-way, she might not become who she is today. She might be just a coward who does not even dare to speak English to foreigner. Yet, she tried, she stepped out from her comfort zone. Now, she could speak naturally among the gathering with English speaking people.

People tend to believe that we just need to be slightly diligent than those around us. But what if you raggedly had all the losers who are too lazy to do nothing around? What good it is if you are just a little bit better than them?

I believe we all have some friends who always like to blame others, the blame of having low salaries, blame of not performing well in their school work, blame of having to do the work that they do not like … Wait, do they ever asked if they have put enough effort?

Many people feel disappointed with their life. They are not satisfied with whatever they have now.

“They are not satisfied, but they are unwilling to give.”

Thing is, you will just remain who you are or become worse if you are not going to make any efforts. Often, our success is not judged by how many big projects a person had accomplished, but how much efforts they have pour into those tiny little works.

Our lives, learning, work, are all coming from every single little thing we have in daily life. So, do not neglect all these little, small, and insignificant things. They might be trivial, but they are going to make a huge different in our life. Do not exaggerate your tiny efforts but treasure every effort that you have poured into. Calm down, and you will realize that something is changing in your life slowly.

“Work hard and embrace your little improvement!”

“Little by little everyday, little by little.. Our life has changed to be better!”



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